Our Story
Jason and I went to high school together. We were just friends but always liked each other. After high school we hung out a few times when he was home from college but lost touch after that. In walks Facebook…isn’t this how all single parents find their new partners? I had been divorced for 5 years, Jason for a few months. We started send long messages filled with the very personal details of our divorces, the pain and realizations. At this point I should mention that we live 2410 miles away from each other. We started talking on the phone daily and texting like we were 15. Honestly, I was intrigued by everything but I still thought there was no way that this would turn into a relationship. How silly would that be to have a long distance relationship 3 hours away (which I had done) let alone across the country! Well, here we are 18 months later. We often say there are people that live in the same house and don’t talk as much as we do. I have lost track of how many days we have spent in the actual presence each other. For the most part we have seen each other every month or so. It can be hard at times and it is the most amazing experience of my life! I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I knew when I laid eyes on him for the “first” time last June that this was it. I like the perspective it gives me on what is important. When we are together we notice everything and don’t take each other for granted. It is a kind of love that I haven’t know until now. Maybe someday we will live in the same house together but for now we are enjoying our journey together, long distance.